People the world over like going out on weekends... going to the movies, hanging out at pubs or maybe partying until dawn. Here in Cambodia - or I should say Phnom Penh - young people hop onto their motorbikes (if they have one) or their friend's one and drive all evening up and down the quay along the Tonlé River. Cambodians of all ages also love taking out their mats and plonking themselves with familiy and friends in public spaces to catch up, enjoy the milder evening temperatures and watch the action roll by....

Also very popular on these nights out on the town are these litle treats which come in all shapes and sizes... I would like you to tell me what this particular little snack is? The winner will get a bag of those!!
2 Kommentare:
Are you trying to increase the hits to your blog with a cheeky quiz Barbara? Nice work... are they crunchy spicey monster cochroaches?
Looks disgusting anyway
Nice work indeed! She got me... :-)
Greetings to all of you!
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